That was the beauty of the new film, Peter parker is a kid, Spider-Man is nothing more then a teen punk. As much as people don't like the actor, he nailed it and my personal view is that arrogetness (if that's a word) spidey has is in the comics, back chatting the bad guys, giving the cheesy lines. Too many film buffs are getting caught up in what's not important.... The film, unlike myself a comic fan, love to see that they are getting it right. Take for instance the 3rd old Batman movie, as a movie it was awful, but Robin still to this day and you can ask any Batman "comic" fan, Robin has had the best one liner EVER in any comic film to date. When he and Batman are climbing on that rock near Twoface and the Riddlers lair, and he drops the "Holy Metal Rock Batman" line.......... It made up for 2 hours of sh*t.
And that's what Spider-Man has achieved, it may not win oscars, but it will win over grown up comic fans.